Big Deal Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device Review

Are you looking for a dog barking control device that works? Today we’re reviewing one of the best devices on the market in barking control. It is the Big Deal Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device.

That’s because this particular unit is humane but also effective. It utilizes top of the line, ultrasonic sound technology that encourages your dog to stop barking without the harmful effects like other devices can inflict.

It is perfect for any room in your home as its sleek, water droplet design blends right in with the furniture and you don’t have to do anything to it after setting it up. The bark control system works automatically when the microphone picks up your dog’s barking.

Please note that at the time when this review was first written it was the best in the market. This is no longer the case and we are no longer recommending it as our #1 Recommended Ultrasonic Bark Control Devices. To see the device we recommend please click the button below.

Click Here To See The Best Ultrasonic Bark Control Device Now!

BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device At A Glance

Product Name: BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device

Website: Amazon based seller

Owners: That’s a Deal

Who Is It For: Anyone looking for effective, humane indoor bark control device for all sizes of dogs

Colors: Gold, Grey

Shape: Water droplet

Weight: 6.9 oz

Measurement: 6.5 in (164 mm) x 4.3 in (110 mm) x 2.4 in (60 mm)

Price: $49.99

Dog Barking Control Devices’ Rating: This device is no longer available. Click here to learn more about our top recommendation for Ultrasonic Dog Barking Control

BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device Summary

This anti-barking device uses high quality, ultrasonic sound to get your dog to stop barking. Since it is automatic, you will not need to press any buttons to get the alert to sound.

Because the sound is high frequency you will not hear it but your dog will. The device has a human detectable sound for you to troubleshoot the device to be sure that it is working properly.

It is designed for indoor use although some reviews suggest that it works outside as well to stop their neighbor’s dog from barking.

Use it on one dog at a time. If you have multiple dogs, you might have problems as they might feed off each other’s barking and ignore the sound completely. I have a special tip for you to get around this which I’ll be sharing, later on, so don’t give up just yet 🙂

You can use the BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device for dogs of any size and age. The only thing you really need to be aware of is that it will not work for dogs with hearing impairments since they will not hear the sound.

Benefits of Using BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device

One of the major benefits you will enjoy while using this tool is the peace of mind of knowing that your dog will be safe while you use this device. S/He will not suffer pain, injury or other damaging effects like some other anti-barking devices can inflict.

The ultrasonic technology used in this model is safe and effective. You can also adjust it’s level until you find the right one that suits you and your dog.

Another awesome benefit you will enjoy is not having to do much of anything to make it work. This device is fully automatic which means that once your dog barks, the ultrasonic alert sounds automatically. Once it does, your dog instinctually stops barking because it doesn’t recognize the sound.

Over time, your dog’s barking will decrease as it learns to control the behavior for him/her self.

I have multiple dogs. One of which is a chihuahua. As you may know, Chihuahuas are barking machine guns. You may not be as aware of the fact that because of their skittish nature, Chihuahuas are very hard to train.

She’s the reason I first started looking into humane dog barking control devices because her barking was keeping up my hubby during the days when he worked night shifts. In order to isolate her, I put our other dogs in a separate room during the times when I knew she would be barking the most like when our neighbors were going to and returning from work.

Chihuahuas are like alarms so she also barked at just about any little noise outside such as squirrels, the wind, someone walking by, etc.

Another reason that I isolated the other dogs is that she has a special bond with my pitbull who she knows will protect her no matter what. When she is around, my chihuahua listens even less than usual, lol. It’s a very special bond they share but for the purposes of bark regulation, I had to separate them or it wouldn’t have worked.

It took a couple of weeks of working with her (as does any training) but now she doesn’t bark nearly as much as she used to and my hubby can rest peacefully during the day.

How To Use the BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device

The BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device is battery operated. The battery chamber is conveniently located at the bottom of the unit underneath an easy to remove, snap-on cover. You will need to purchase one 9 volt battery (the rectangular one).

On the front of the device, you will see four circular spots. These are what do all the work for your device. From top to bottom, they are the microphone which detects sound, the speaker which emits the ultrasonic sound, the light indicator which flashes when the device is emitting sound, and the power switch.

At the back of the device, there is a knob that you will turn to adjust the sound level. There are 4 adjustable ultrasonic sound levels.

How the BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking DeviceWorks

Once you have your unit setup, place it in the area your dog barks the most. It might be near a window or in a certain room. Dogs are pretty habitual, so if you do not know this information, take a couple of days to observe your dog to find out.

It is important that you learn your dog’s habits in order to properly correct them. You must also have patience and praise your dog when s/he does what you want them to do which is not barking. A simple belly rub will go a long ways as a praise to your dog.

After you have figured out where your dog barks the most, set the device on a table, dresser or other stable, preferably high, structure. The device does the rest!

Start with the lowest sound setting then work your way up. Different dogs will respond at different levels of ultrasonic sound so don’t be alarmed if you have to make adjustments.

The device works when the highly sensitive microphone picks up your dog’s bark. It then signals the device to emit the ultrasonic sound.

This device works up to 15 meters (50 ft) away depending on the mode you are using. Although it is labeled for indoor use, many reviews state that it is also good at deterring their neighbor’s dog from barking as well.

How To Get The Best Results From This Anti Barking Device

As I mentioned previously, it is important that the first step that you take is to learn your dog’s habits. There are many reasons for this. The top three reasons are:

  1. The reason your dog is barking might vary on the breed of your dog as many are bred for different reasons. For instance, a terrier might bark more at small animals like squirrels and rabbits whereas a Maltese will bark more at people, not as an alarm but rather in excitement.
  2. You need to know how your dog is feeling when s/he is barking. Dogs bark to show excitement, aggression, nervousness, etc. Knowing what your dog is feeling will help you be more empathetic with them as you realize how you feel when these same emotions are evoked for yourself. It might help if you comfort or praise your dog in the same way you like to be treated when you are feeling, for example, scared. Comfort your dog and let him/her know that it’s ok, the squirrel isn’t going to harm you, it or anyone else in the area.
  3. As I mentioned previously, dogs are pretty habitual by nature. If they are used to barking in a certain location, they know that location is safe to do so. It may also be because they get a better vantage point to see the ‘outside threat’. By stopping the habit where it is happening, you will be able to reform good habits while reducing bad ones.

The next step you need to take is to set the device up in the room where your dog does all of it’s barking. Start at the lowest setting and then gradually increase if needed. I didn’t have to go to the max for my chihuahua but some dogs are more noise tolerant than others so it just depends. This is not size dependent.

Also be sure to isolate your dog from other dogs. If you are trying to stop multiple dogs from barking, tackle one dog at a time. It may be a process but well worth it once all is said and done.

You can also seek professional help from a good dog trainer who uses humane training methods.

How To Test If Your Device Is Working

First of all, make sure that you have a 9V battery with power installed correctly into your unit.

Then turn the power setting knob to ‘Test’ mode.

Place the device on a structure that is within arms reach from you.

Whistle loudly. If the light flashes green and you can hear a sound, then it is working correctly.

BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device Description and Features

  • High frequency, ultrasonic sound to stop your dog from barking safely and effectively
  • Four adjustable ultrasonic sound volume settings
    • Test
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
  • LED Power Level Indicator
  • Sensitive microphone that picks up barking from up to 15 meters (~50 ft) away depending on the mode you are using
  • Weight: 6.9 oz
  • MEAS: 6.5 in (164 mm) x 4.3 in (110 mm) x 2.4 in (60 mm)
  • Box includes: 1 Automatic Ultrasonic Dog Bark Controller in Water Droplet (battery not included) & 1 User manual
  • Intended for indoor use
  • Most effective when used on one dog at a time

Who Is This For?

This device is for anyone who is trying to get their dog to stop barking. It works on dogs of all sizes and does not cause any harm to you or your pet.

Your dog must be able to hear. If your dog is hearing impaired then you will need to find an alternative such as a citronella collar, etc.

What I Like About BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device

  • Easy to install and operate
  • Effective and safe for you, your family, dogs, other pets, etc.
  • Humane
  • Automatically works after setup
  • The unit is small, compact and looks like a regular decoration or ornament in your home
  • Can be used in any indoor area including condos, apartments, and free-standing homes to name a few

What I Don’t Like About BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device

If there is a downside to this device is that it doesn’t work through walls. That means that if you want to use it in another room you would either need to purchase another one to keep in that room like I would do or keep moving the one unit that you have from room to room.

Dog Barking Control Devices Final Verdict

We definitely recommend this device for safe and effective dog barking control. Always be sure to follow the instructions as stated in the user manual for best results. Below you will find a recap of key features for this device.

Product Name: BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device

Website: Amazon based seller

Owners: That’s a Deal

Who Is It For: Anyone looking for effective, humane indoor bark control device for all sizes of dogs

Colors: Gold, Grey

Shape: Water droplet

Weight: 6.9 oz

Measurement: 6.5 in (164 mm) x 4.3 in (110 mm) x 2.4 in (60 mm)

Price: $49.99

Dog Barking Control Devices’ Rating: This device is no longer available. Click here to learn more about our top recommendation for Ultrasonic Dog Barking Control

If you have any questions, requests or other feedback please leave them in the comments box below. We would love to hear from you!

As of now this device is no longer available. If you’re looking for a good ultrasonic bark control device, please click the button below to learn more about The Dog Silencer® MAX

Click here to buy the BIG DEAL Automatic Ultrasonic Modus Indoor Bark Control Anti Barking Device